Working from home with Joel Dietz

Joel Dietz

1. Please give us a brief introduction of yourself.

Artist, author, technical architect.

2. Why did you decide to buy a bespoke suit?

Wanted something that fit my personality and made me feel good.

3. How has your dress code changed since lockdown?

I wear jackets more frequently and pants less frequently. I also wear more vests, sometimes with a tshirt.

4. Will you change the way you dress after lockdown?

Definitely changed my mindset to what makes me feel good as opposed to what I need to wear.

Unrelated to tailoring….

5. What do you miss most that you have taken for granted before lockdown? 


6. What has been the latest addition to your daily routine?

Dance practice

7. What has kept you sane during these bleak times?

Working out more. Second meditation per day.

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